Punxsutawney Area School District Home

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Flex Day and Teacher Inservice Day

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 is a Flex Day (end of the 2nd 9-weeks)--HS Student Dismissal is at 11:50, Elementary Dismissal at 12:40. MONDAY, JANUARY 20 is a Teacher Inservice Day (No School for Students).
PASD Update

Superintendent of Schools Application

The Punxsutawney Area School District Board of Directors is accepting applications for Superintendent of Schools. To read the full advertisement and access the application, please click on this announcement's headline. Applications and related documentation must be submitted by February 17 (hard copies only, please).
chucks live

Athletics Live Stream Schedule

Upcoming athletics live stream announcements, links, and directions can be found on our Athletics Live Stream Schedule page! This page provides a weekly list of events that will be broadcast either on our PASD YouTube channel or, when available, from a host school's chosen method of live streaming away events. Click on this announcement's headline to access the page or you can find it under the Athletics heading on the district and high school homepages. Go Chucks!

Flexible Instruction Day Information for Students and Parents

Attention PASD Parents/Guardians and Students: This school year, the Punxsutawney Area School District will begin implementing Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs) in the event of severe weather or other emergencies that would require closing our schools. To learn more, please click on this announcement's headline and read the full article which also explains how you can find our brand-new Flexible Instruction Day (FID) Page!

Upcoming Events