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GRADE: 4th



Mrs. Baun


Week of January 14, 2019

Wild Horses
Stories to read this week:
"The Wild Ponies of Chincoteague"  p 202 - 203
**Vocab words will be introduced in this story.
"Wild Horses" p 204 - 219
"The Tales of Pecos Bill" p 220 - 223.
Spelling test will be on Friday, January 18th.
Vocab quiz and Reading test will be next week.

Week of Dec. 10, 2018. Mighty Jackie

Spelling packet was given out on Friday, December 7th.  It will be due Wednesday, December 12th.  ****Spelling test will be be December 12th****
Vocabulary quiz will be on December 12th.
Reading test on "Mighty Jackie" will be Friday, December 14th.  Review sheets will come home as homework prior to the test.
December AR goal is 4 points. 

Week of Nov. 26

Reading Story - "My Brother Martin" -- Test will be on Tuesday, December 4th.
Vocabulary - Quiz will be on Monday, December 3rd.
Spelling -- Test will be on Monday, December 3rd.   Homework packets are due on the 3rd as well.

Week of November 5, 2018

"Because of Winn Dixie"  *Reading test will be Wednesday (November 14, 2018)
Spelling -- Homework packets are due on Friday.  **TEST IS ON FRIDAY. 
Grammar -- Vocabulary TEST IS ON FRIDAY.
Reading Log --  Keep filling in the reading log.  Students are to be reading for at least 1 hour a week.
AR -- This month's goal is 5 AR points.  When a student reaches their 5 points, they will get a certificate for a personal pan pizza.  AR is also a part of their reading grade.  Please encourage your child to read.

Week of October 29th

"The Astronaut and the Onion" reading test will be on Thursday.  (November 1st). 


Wednesday is the last day to earn AR points for October.  The goal for the month is 4 points.  Once the 4 points are earned, you will receive a Book It coupon for a free personal pan pizza.
Monthly reading log is due November 16th. 
Interview projects are due when we return to school after Thanksgiving.  I am excited to see the project results.  Have Fun!!